It all began
in 1978
The Penrith Youth Musical Society (as it was originally named) was created by a group of students from Kingswood High School along with the help of Wayne Findlay, Inga Neugebauer, Wendy Parsons and Margaret Pope.With no money or experience but with an abundance of passion and determination the society's very first show, Salad Days, was produced.
An excitement for musical theatre was sparked within the community and the society welcomed a growing cast with members aged between six and seventy with at times having three generations of single families involved in productions. A short time later, the 'youth' was dropped from the moniker as the society became Penrith Musical Society.
The society's love of comedy and desire to make people laugh greatly influenced the choice of productions and so it was decided that the name should change one last time to what is now known as Penrith Musical Comedy Company.
PMCC produces two shows each year and also brings the art of musical performance to the community at nursing homes, retirement villages, Meals on wheels functions, senior groups, flash mobs, and The Biggest Morning Tea - just to name a few!
The PMCC family has grown over the years and with each show we see both familiar and new faces. The dedication of the PMCC family is commendable as we would not exist without the commitment of those who help with all aspects of the production including production team, sets, costumes, fundraising, backstage, front of house and much more!
If you are interested in being a part of the company in any way we would love to hear from you. Check out the "MEMBERSHIP" or "AUDITIONS" pages for details about how you can get involved!
Would you like to help us out? A donation would be greatly appreciated!